Finnegans Fisted

Once upon a time, James Joyce wrote a book called:

Finnegans Wake

That's not:

Finnegan's Wake

But some blogger's get the title wrong! Which means they don't understand the book at all. This blog has two missions. One, educate the ignorant. Two, correct all such mistakes world wide. And three, anything else.


A Civil Request

"I don't object to people who disagree with me, but I despise uncivil language" says Bill from the blog under the lobsterscope, who also lists one of his favourite books as Finnegan's Wake.

Bill seems like a reasonable fellow, so I'll offer him a decent deal. In return for him editing out that objectionable, disagreeable, despicable, uncivil apostrophe of ignorance from his profile, I *******-well promise to flush away, like a **** down a sewer, this ****-load of cussin'.

UPDATE! Bill agreed!


At 7/04/2005 12:48:00 AM, Blogger {illyria} said...

somehow i think he will get the better part of the bargain. wager?

At 7/04/2005 12:33:00 PM, Blogger SafeTinspector said...

cunt load! Where did I put my conversion chart...

At 7/04/2005 07:43:00 PM, Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

Yet more sorry humans who use the words 'cunt', 'fuck and 'shit' as swear words rather than in their literal context.

Mating and defecating are two of the great sensual pleasures of primate life. So why use good words to signify something bad? You cunts.

At 7/04/2005 08:00:00 PM, Blogger SafeTinspector said...

Cunt might be good, but depending on the material in question, a cunt-load may be bad.
Bleach, for instance, or industrial de-greaser.

At 7/05/2005 12:21:00 AM, Blogger sarah said...

what exactly is a cunt load?

i picture a cavity full of slime.

At 7/05/2005 07:39:00 AM, Blogger Fist said...

A cunt-load of cussin' contains the words: fucking, shit and cunt. Now a cunt loaded with fucking, shit and cunts would have to be one huge fucking cave of a cunt, so I guess it all depends on the size of the cunt. This one was big.

trans - O I don't know. Unless people follow the links, and I don't think people do, most people probably don't notice they've eveb been linked to.

gorilla - mating is a great sensual pleasure for the male gorillas. But I heard female gorillas don't have orgasm-flesh, which sucks one tiny, little, lacking cunt-load.

At 7/05/2005 08:30:00 AM, Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

'Gorilla' is my title, Mr Fist. How would you like it if I called you 'Human'? You may call me 'Mr Bananas', or 'GB' if you require brevity.

Your reference to 'orgasm flesh' is a projection of the phallocentric conception of sexual pleasure on to females, whose own climax owes as much to their mental state during copulation as to mere physical stimulation.

I can assure you that the females in MY harem are SATISFIED.

At 7/05/2005 09:17:00 AM, Blogger {illyria} said...

jesusfuck, this is a weird comment thread.

At 7/05/2005 09:23:00 AM, Blogger Fist said...

That'd be quite weird if you called me human; part-of-a-human being much more apt, or just plain fist, you cheeky little monkey.

And satisfaction is an anthropocentric concept, required because of our distanciated sense of time, eg whether in delayed gratification, the implicit and falses promises of consumer culture a la Marx and Lacan, or just through our sheer historicality.

O man, that's one fisted gorilla just there.

At 7/05/2005 10:12:00 AM, Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

Mr Fist,

Do you make a habit of being offensive to your blog commentators? Even someone with a limited knowledge of zoology must be aware that a gorilla is not a 'monkey', far less a 'cheeky little' one.

As you have now made a decent comment on my own blog (far surpassing your previous inane effort), I am prepared to forgive you this once.

Mr Fist's entertaining bath-time anecdote can be found here:

the japing ape

My next post will be titled: 'The Biggest Bastard in Africa'

At 7/05/2005 10:17:00 AM, Blogger Fist said...

I preferred my first comment, although the word play wasn't exactly Joycean I admit. And yes, I do make a habit of being offensive to anyone or thing I feel like being offensive too. So don't take it personally. Sounds like you're getting grumpy? Must need a feed. Go on, dance for peanuts.

Incidentally, I meant to mention this a while ago, but Joyce despised swearing and vulgarity, so if Bill corrects his grim gaffe it'll be a kind of one-one draw.

At 7/05/2005 10:05:00 PM, Blogger Cressy said...

You make me laugh until I end up snorting. Sometimes my diet coke even escapes. And my co-workers look at me weird.
Which is just great. Because they already think I'm a few fries short of a happy meal.

So thanks a lot for that, fist. Thanks a whole "fucking" lot.

jesus CHRIST.

At 7/05/2005 11:44:00 PM, Blogger Fist said...

My pleasure Annie, my pleasure!

At 8/10/2005 11:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what the language... I edited out theapostrophe... now you keep up your end.

At 8/10/2005 11:46:00 AM, Blogger Fist said...

Thank you Bill, I certainly shall.

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